Lord of the Flies: Modernity’s Idolization of Depravity


By: G. M. L. Henry


Voters in Ireland rushed to the polls on Sunday, May 27 to vote on a nationwide referendum about abortion. In a massive landslide the Irish voted to overturn their longstanding ban on abortion and join other “modern” countries in allowing women to mercilessly slaughter unborn children. It is the irony of modern “civilization” that they find a way to gild their barbarism with a righteous sounding propaganda. Abortion, the murder of unborn children, is presented as “women’s right to choose.” The statement is in and of itself is utter nonsense and the banal repetition of the phrase in the media makes it even worse. If a woman has a right to choose then why can’t she choose when the children are older? Why can’t she take a ten-year-old to the clinic to be aborted? This logical question is decried as ridiculous by abortion proponents; yet a 50 years ago the birth control supporters were saying the same about abortion. A natural tendency to depravity is the hallmark of every great civilizations decline, and we can see this taking place at an accelerated rate in Western culture.

 In his great literary work Lord of the Flies, William Golding gives us a fanciful story about man’s natural depravity. A group of young schoolboys stranded on a remote island, free from the influences of corrupt adults and cultural prejudice, form a loose knit triumvirate to survive. They agree to certain rules and chores, prohibited conduct and responsibilities. However, things quickly degenerate into chaos, murder, theft and general depravity. Their “innocence” is lost as they turn into savages. The boys invent their own imaginary monster and later place a wild boar’s head on a pole as a sacrifice to him. The rotting head, covered in flies, hearkens back to the biblical reference of Beelzebub: The Lord of Flies. 

It is the constant hallucination of modern man to imagine that they are more civilized or advanced than ancient man. In reality they are the same if not worse. In ancient Greece or Rome when a baby was born the father, or the state in the case of Sparta, decided whether the child was good enough to live or not. If he was poor and could not afford it he rejected it. If the baby was sickly or deformed, it was rejected. The rejected babies would usually be abandoned outside of the city to die of exposure or wild animals; some cultures more mercifully hurled them from cliffs to be dashed on the rocks below. Now we are in modern times where unwanted babies are merely cut apart with a scalpel and sucked out with a machine. Since the parents don’t have to see the carnage, they feel less guilty. Yet this is a modern extension of the old pagan practices of history past. A child’s life is of no consequence in a godless society. Thus when a law is passed to allow their murder young Irish women pour into the streets to celebrate their savage triumph. 

It is the degeneration of a culture that always brings us its bloody endings. When the belief in God and the rule of his divine decree is rejected, what follows is always a holocaust. Young women desire to be promiscuous without the consequences of children, thus they murder them. As the culture falls apart its death throes are presented as “progress”, its barbarisms presented as “modern”. The great irony is that it is neither progress nor modern. It is high tech repetition of the same savage behavior that has marked uncivilized man in history. It is filthy dirt with a nice frosting covering it. 

The modern woman depends on her lover, her friends and her society to help her justify her crimes against the most vulnerable of humans. She convinces herself that child murder is justified and accepted. The other young people of society support and agree with these perversions. They are like the boys on the island; rapidly turning into savages while convincing themselves it is progress. They believe that putting a nice coating on a rotting corpse will make it good, but it never works out as they hope. A degeneration of culture always ends in disaster. Mass murder. Absolutist governments. Universal suffering. All consequences of a failed civilization. The youth of modern Western culture, whether it be Ireland, England, Germany or the United States, are rushing toward barbarism at break neck speed. They celebrate the destruction of morals, culture, nations and Christianity. They have placed the rotting swine’s head of modern hedonism on a pole and worshipped it. Yet the monster is not the general immorality but their own personal depravity. They are bowing down at the altar of their own savagery. They adore the putrefied shrine of the Lord of the Flies and thus seal their own horrendous fate. 

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